Mobile Users: you may need to scroll left/right on this list
(Hint: Use SHIFT key to sort multiple columns.)
Filter TypeDescription and Examples

Any text entered in the filter will match text found within the column.

attack (finds "Base Attack Bonus", "Ranged Attack Bonus", "Bleeding Attack", etc);


Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)

/b[aeiou]s/i (finds "Base Attack Bonus", "Bestow Curse", etc);

< <= >= >

Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query.

>= 10 (find values greater than or equal to 10)

! or !=

Not operator, or not exactly match. Filters the column with content that does not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.

!ge (hide rows with "General" in that column, but shows "Fighter", "Cleric", "Rogue"); !"Abjurer" (find content that does not exactly match "Abjurer")

" or =

To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query

Aid" or Aid= (exactly match "Aid")

 &&  or  AND 

Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.

channel && harm (matches a cell that contains both "channel" and "harm");

 -  or  to 

Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to").

10 - 30 or 10 to 30 (match values between 10 and 30)


Wildcard for a single, non-space character.

a?i (finds "Acid Arrow" and "Agile Feet", but not "Alchemist")


Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.

a*i (matches "Acid Arrow", "Agile Feet", and "Alchemist")

| or  OR 

Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar.

rogue|fighter (matches either "Rogue Maneuver" or "Fighter Maneuver")


Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query.

~baa (matches "Balestra and "Bleeding Attack"), or ~paizo (matches "Axe Specialization")

NameTypeRoleAdvancement Feat
Archer Armor Feat FighterArcher
Artisan Armor Feat ExpertArtisan
Binder Armor Feat WizardBinder
Chameleon Armor Feat RogueChameleon
Crusader Armor Feat ClericCrusader
Dragoon Armor Feat FighterDragoon
Evangelist Armor Feat ClericEvangelist
Guide Armor Feat FreeholderGuide
Healer Armor Feat ClericHealer
Mage Armor Feat WizardMage
Outfitter Armor Feat ExpertOutfitter
Pioneer Armor Feat FreeholderPioneer
Rambler Armor Feat FreeholderRambler
Scholar Armor Feat WizardScholar
Scout Armor Feat RogueScout
Swashbuckler Armor Feat RogueSwashbuckler
Trainee Armor Feat GeneralBasic Attacks
Unbreakable Armor Feat FighterUnbreakable
Wright Armor Feat ExpertWright
Acid Dart Cantrip GeneralAcid Dart
Adrenaline Surge Cantrip GeneralAdrenaline Surge
Arctic Winds Cantrip GeneralArctic Winds
Basic Staff Attack Cantrip GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Staff Exploit Cantrip GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Wand Attack Cantrip GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Wand Exploit Cantrip GeneralBasic Attacks
Bewitch Cantrip GeneralBewitch
Binding Web Cantrip GeneralBinding Web
Blinding Pattern Cantrip GeneralBlinding Pattern
Blinding Ray Cantrip GeneralBlinding Ray
Boiling Blood Cantrip GeneralBoiling Blood
Branding Rune Cantrip GeneralBranding Rune
Break Cantrip GeneralBreak
Bright Rune Cantrip GeneralBright Rune
Burning Flume Cantrip WizardFire Mastery
Burning Ray Cantrip WizardFire Mastery
Cacophony Cantrip GeneralCacophony
Carrion Strike Cantrip GeneralCarrion Strike
Chill Touch Cantrip GeneralChill Touch
Concealing Mist Cantrip GeneralConcealing Mist
Confusing Veil Cantrip GeneralConfusing Veil
Corrosive Rain Cantrip GeneralCorrosive Rain
Daze Cantrip GeneralDaze
Deadly Proximity Cantrip GeneralDeadly Proximity
Deafening Roar Cantrip GeneralDeafening Roar
Devourer's Caress Cantrip GeneralDevourer's Caress
Disfiguring Touch Cantrip GeneralDisfiguring Touch
Downburst Cantrip GeneralDownburst
Eel's Touch Cantrip GeneralEel's Touch
Electric Brand Cantrip GeneralElectric Brand
Energetic Field Cantrip GeneralEnergetic Field
Enthrall Cantrip GeneralEnthrall
Exhausting Burst Cantrip GeneralExhausting Burst
Explosive Rune Cantrip GeneralExplosive Rune
Fearsome Visage Cantrip GeneralFearsome Visage
Figment Foes Cantrip GeneralFigment Foes
Flare Cantrip GeneralFlare
Force Hail Cantrip GeneralForce Hail
Freezing Ray Cantrip WizardCold Mastery
Freezing Torrent Cantrip WizardCold Mastery
Frighten Cantrip GeneralFrighten
Frightening Blast Cantrip GeneralFrightening Blast
Frost Ray Cantrip GeneralFrost Ray
Ghostly Grasp Cantrip GeneralGhostly Grasp
Glitter Spray Cantrip GeneralGlitter Spray
Glittering Blast Cantrip GeneralGlittering Blast
Grasping Shadows Cantrip GeneralGrasping Shadows
Gravity Crush Cantrip GeneralGravity Crush
Haunting Mists Cantrip GeneralHaunting Mists
Hellflume Cantrip GeneralHellflume
Illuminating Field Cantrip GeneralIlluminating Field
Instant Inferno Cantrip GeneralInstant Inferno
Invisible Ray Cantrip WizardForce Mastery
Invisible Torrent Cantrip WizardForce Mastery
Jarring Mesmerism Cantrip GeneralJarring Mesmerism
Killing Joke Cantrip GeneralKilling Joke
Lens of the Sun Cantrip GeneralLens of the Sun
Lullaby Cantrip GeneralLullaby
Mage's Resistance Cantrip GeneralMage's Resistance
Medusa's Gaze Cantrip GeneralMedusa's Gaze
Melting Ray Cantrip WizardAcid Mastery
Melting Stream Cantrip WizardAcid Mastery
Mental Mist Cantrip GeneralMental Mist
Mental Ray Cantrip WizardPsychic Mastery
Mental Strike Cantrip WizardPsychic Mastery
Midnight Ray Cantrip WizardNegative Mastery
Midnight Strike Cantrip WizardNegative Mastery
Nauseating Ray Cantrip GeneralNauseating Ray
Nightmarish Foe Cantrip GeneralNightmarish Foe
Noxious Flume Cantrip GeneralNoxious Flume
Plague Storm Cantrip GeneralPlague Storm
Protective Ward Cantrip GeneralProtective Ward
Quick Frost Cantrip GeneralQuick Frost
Remove Energy Cantrip GeneralRemove Energy
Searing Armor Cantrip GeneralSearing Armor
Shadow Blast Cantrip GeneralShadow Blast
Shadow Ray Cantrip GeneralShadow Ray
Shard Spray Cantrip GeneralShard Spray
Shard Storm Cantrip GeneralShard Storm
Shocking Ray Cantrip WizardElectricity Mastery
Shocking Strike Cantrip WizardElectricity Mastery
Siren's Song Cantrip GeneralSiren's Song
Slippery Ground Cantrip GeneralSlippery Ground
Sonic Thrust Cantrip GeneralSonic Thrust
Spell Suppression Cantrip GeneralSpell Suppression
Steal Speed Cantrip GeneralSteal Speed
Storm's End Cantrip GeneralStorm's End
Suppressing Field Cantrip GeneralSuppressing Field
Telekinetic Fist Cantrip GeneralTelekinetic Fist
Thundering Ray Cantrip WizardSonic Mastery
Thundering Torrent Cantrip WizardSonic Mastery
Torporous Rune Cantrip GeneralTorporous Rune
Twisted Space Cantrip GeneralTwisted Space
Waking Dream Cantrip GeneralWaking Dream
Weakening Ray Cantrip GeneralWeakening Ray
Wilting Surge Cantrip GeneralWilting Surge
Windrider Cantrip GeneralWindrider
Winter's Caress Cantrip GeneralWinter's Caress
Wraith's Cry Cantrip GeneralWraith's Cry
Wyrmling Breath Cantrip GeneralWyrmling Breath
Apprentice's Acid Consumable General 
Apprentice's Ambrosia Consumable General 
Apprentice's Antiplague Consumable General 
Apprentice's Antitoxin Consumable General 
Apprentice's Bloodblock Consumable General 
Apprentice's Bodybalm Consumable General 
Apprentice's Choking Bomb Consumable General 
Apprentice's Cinder Bomb Consumable General 
Apprentice's Cure Potion Consumable General 
Apprentice's Fire Consumable General 
Apprentice's Fortifying Powder Consumable General 
Apprentice's Ice Consumable General 
Apprentice's Pox Burster Consumable General 
Apprentice's Resistance Consumable General 
Apprentice's Smokestick Consumable General 
Apprentice's Soothe Syrup Consumable General 
Apprentice's Speed Potion Consumable General 
Apprentice's Styptic Consumable General 
Apprentice's Sunrod Consumable General 
Apprentice's Tangle Bomb Consumable General 
Apprentice's Thunder Consumable General 
Apprentice's Twitch Tonic Consumable General 
Apprentice's Ward Gel Consumable General 
Greater Token of Armor Consumable General 
Greater Token of Fast Healing Consumable General 
Greater Token of Healing Consumable General 
Greater Token of Protection Consumable General 
Greater Token of Resistance Consumable General 
Greater Token of Strength Consumable General 
Journeyman's Acid Consumable General 
Journeyman's Ambrosia Consumable General 
Journeyman's Antiplague Consumable General 
Journeyman's Antitoxin Consumable General 
Journeyman's Bloodblock Consumable General 
Journeyman's Bodybalm Consumable General 
Journeyman's Choking Bomb Consumable General 
Journeyman's Cinder Bomb Consumable General 
Journeyman's Cure Potion Consumable General 
Journeyman's Fire Consumable General 
Journeyman's Fortifying Powder Consumable General 
Journeyman's Ice Consumable General 
Journeyman's Pox Burster Consumable General 
Journeyman's Resistance Consumable General 
Journeyman's Smokestick Consumable General 
Journeyman's Soothe Syrup Consumable General 
Journeyman's Speed Potion Consumable General 
Journeyman's Styptic Consumable General 
Journeyman's Sunrod Consumable General 
Journeyman's Tangle Bomb Consumable General 
Journeyman's Thunder Consumable General 
Journeyman's Twitch Tonic Consumable General 
Journeyman's Ward Gel Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Awareness Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Curing Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Dodging Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Freedom Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Mind Blanking Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Parrying Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Riposting Consumable General 
Lesser Token of Striking Consumable General 
Master's Acid Consumable General 
Master's Ambrosia Consumable General 
Master's Antiplague Consumable General 
Master's Antitoxin Consumable General 
Master's Bloodblock Consumable General 
Master's Bodybalm Consumable General 
Master's Choking Bomb Consumable General 
Master's Cinder Bomb Consumable General 
Master's Cure Potion Consumable General 
Master's Fire Consumable General 
Master's Fortifying Powder Consumable General 
Master's Ice Consumable General 
Master's Pox Burster Consumable General 
Master's Resistance Consumable General 
Master's Smokestick Consumable General 
Master's Soothe Syrup Consumable General 
Master's Speed Potion Consumable General 
Master's Styptic Consumable General 
Master's Sunrod Consumable General 
Master's Tangle Bomb Consumable General 
Master's Thunder Consumable General 
Master's Twitch Tonic Consumable General 
Master's Ward Gel Consumable General 
Superior Token of Haste Consumable General 
Superior Token of Invulnerability Consumable General 
Superior Token of Might Consumable General 
Superior Token of Regeneration Consumable General 
Superior Token of Renewal Consumable General 
Armor Training Defensive FighterArmor Training
Blind-Fight Defensive GeneralBlind-Fight
Bravery Defensive FighterBravery
Great Fortitude Defensive GeneralGreat Fortitude
Iron Will Defensive GeneralIron Will
Lightning Reflexes Defensive GeneralLightning Reflexes
Slippery Mind Defensive RogueSlippery Mind
Strong Back Defensive FreeholderStrong Back
Toughness Defensive GeneralToughness
Trap Sense Defensive RogueTrap Sense
Abjurer Feature WizardAbjurer
Axe Specialization Feature FighterAxe Specialization
Bow Specialization Feature FighterBow Specialization
Charm Domain Feature ClericCharm Domain
Conjurer Feature WizardConjurer
Cut-Throat Feature RogueCut-Throat
Daredevil Feature RogueDaredevil
Enchanter Feature WizardEnchanter
Evoker Feature WizardEvoker
Fire Domain Feature ClericFire Domain
Glory Domain Feature ClericGlory Domain
Hammer Specialization Feature FighterHammer Specialization
Heavy Blade Specialization Feature FighterHeavy Blade Specialization
Illusionist Feature WizardIllusionist
Invested with Secrets Feature FreeholderInvested with Secrets
Light Blade Specialization Feature FighterLight Blade Specialization
Luck Domain Feature ClericLuck Domain
Necromancer Feature WizardNecromancer
One-Handed Melee Specialization Feature FighterOne-Handed Melee Specialization
Opportunist Feature RogueOpportunist
Passionate in the Workshop Feature FreeholderPassionate in the Workshop
Polearm Specialization Feature FighterPolearm Specialization
Protection Domain Feature ClericProtection Domain
Protection Prone Feature ExpertProtection Prone
Ranged Specialization Feature FighterRanged Specialization
Sanctified Feature RogueSanctified
Shark Feature RogueShark
Spellbreaker Feature RogueSpellbreaker
Spider Feature RogueSpider
Strength Domain Feature ClericStrength Domain
Sun Domain Feature ClericSun Domain
Transmuter Feature WizardTransmuter
Travel Domain Feature ClericTravel Domain
Trickery Domain Feature ClericTrickery Domain
Two-Handed Melee Specialization Feature FighterTwo-Handed Melee Specialization
War Willing Feature ExpertWar Willing
Water Domain Feature ClericWater Domain
Weather Domain Feature ClericWeather Domain
Wolverine Feature RogueWolverine
Abrupt Laceration Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralAbrupt Laceration
Assailing Deterrence Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralAssailing Deterrence
Assaulting Dissuasion Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralAssaulting Dissuasion
Belligerant Disincentive Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralBelligerant Disincentive
Black Market Request Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralBlack Market Request
Cad's Genuflection Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralCad's Genuflection
Dancehall Rebuke Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralDancehall Rebuke
Dastard's Obeisance Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralDastard's Obeisance
Feinting Ward Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralFeinting Ward
Foiling Screen Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralFoiling Screen
Friendly Handshake Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralFriendly Handshake
Full Bore Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralFull Bore
Gracious Spike Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralGracious Spike
Heart Siphon Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralHeart Siphon
Hidden Thrust Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralHidden Thrust
Keg Tap Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralKeg Tap
Mug Shot Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralMug Shot
Outwitting Bastion Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralOutwitting Bastion
Polite Tack Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralPolite Tack
Razor Kiss Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralRazor Kiss
Rebuffing Barrage Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralRebuffing Barrage
Repelling Onslaught Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralRepelling Onslaught
Riddleport Hello Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralRiddleport Hello
Secret Jab Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralSecret Jab
Smile Maker Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralSmile Maker
Sudden Rip Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralSudden Rip
Tactful Nail Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralTactful Nail
Thwarting Battery Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralThwarting Battery
Trickster's Bow Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralTrickster's Bow
Unexpected Greetings Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralUnexpected Greetings
Unpredicatable Maul Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralUnpredicatable Maul
Unseen Puncture Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralUnseen Puncture
Waterfront Demand Holdout Weapon Maneuver GeneralWaterfront Demand
Aid Holy Symbol Spell GeneralAid
Bestow Curse Holy Symbol Spell GeneralBestow Curse
Blessing Holy Symbol Spell GeneralBlessing
Cause Fear Holy Symbol Spell GeneralCause Fear
Contagion Holy Symbol Spell GeneralContagion
Darkness Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDarkness
Deafness-Blindness Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDeafness-Blindness
Death Ward Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDeath Ward
Destruction Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDestruction
Dispel Sorcery Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDispel Sorcery
Divine Blaze Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDivine Blaze
Divine Endurance Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDivine Endurance
Divine Power Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDivine Power
Divine Strength Holy Symbol Spell GeneralDivine Strength
Earthquake Holy Symbol Spell GeneralEarthquake
Endure Elements Holy Symbol Spell GeneralEndure Elements
Energy Sink Holy Symbol Spell GeneralEnergy Sink
Fire Storm Holy Symbol Spell GeneralFire Storm
Greater Aid Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Aid
Greater Blessing Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Blessing
Greater Cause Fear Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Cause Fear
Greater Cure Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Cure
Greater Darkness Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Darkness
Greater Deafness-Blindness Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Deafness-Blindness
Greater Dispel Sorcery Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Dispel Sorcery
Greater Divine Endurance Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Divine Endurance
Greater Divine Strength Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Divine Strength
Greater Endure Elements Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Endure Elements
Greater Hold Person Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Hold Person
Greater Holy Light Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Holy Light
Greater Inflict Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Inflict
Greater Invisibility Purge Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Invisibility Purge
Greater Mass Divine Endurance Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Mass Divine Endurance
Greater Mass Divine Strength Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Mass Divine Strength
Greater Prayer Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Prayer
Greater Resist Energy Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Resist Energy
Greater Slay Living Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Slay Living
Greater Sonic Burst Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Sonic Burst
Greater Symbol of Fear Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Symbol of Fear
Greater Symbol of Pain Holy Symbol Spell GeneralGreater Symbol of Pain
Harm Holy Symbol Spell GeneralHarm
Heal Holy Symbol Spell GeneralHeal
Hold Person Holy Symbol Spell GeneralHold Person
Holy Light Holy Symbol Spell GeneralHoly Light
Implosion Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImplosion
Improved Aid Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Aid
Improved Blessing Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Blessing
Improved Cause Fear Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Cause Fear
Improved Curse Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Curse
Improved Darkness Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Darkness
Improved Deafness-Blindness Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Deafness-Blindness
Improved Divine Endurance Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Divine Endurance
Improved Divine Strength Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Divine Strength
Improved Endure Elements Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Endure Elements
Improved Hold Person Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Hold Person
Improved Holy Light Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Holy Light
Improved Invisibility Purge Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Invisibility Purge
Improved Prayer Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Prayer
Improved Resist Energy Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Resist Energy
Improved Sonic Burst Holy Symbol Spell GeneralImproved Sonic Burst
Invisibility Purge Holy Symbol Spell GeneralInvisibility Purge
Lesser Cure Holy Symbol Spell GeneralLesser Cure
Lesser Inflict Holy Symbol Spell GeneralLesser Inflict
Mass Divine Endurance Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMass Divine Endurance
Mass Divine Strength Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMass Divine Strength
Mass Greater Cure Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMass Greater Cure
Mass Greater Inflict Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMass Greater Inflict
Mass Heal Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMass Heal
Mass Lesser Cure Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMass Lesser Cure
Mass Lesser Inflict Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMass Lesser Inflict
Midnight Holy Symbol Spell GeneralMidnight
Poison Holy Symbol Spell GeneralPoison
Prayer Holy Symbol Spell GeneralPrayer
Regenerate Holy Symbol Spell GeneralRegenerate
Resist Energy Holy Symbol Spell GeneralResist Energy
Righteousness Holy Symbol Spell GeneralRighteousness
Slay Living Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSlay Living
Sound Burst Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSound Burst
Superior Dispel Sorcery Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSuperior Dispel Sorcery
Symbol of Death Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSymbol of Death
Symbol of Fear Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSymbol of Fear
Symbol of Pain Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSymbol of Pain
Symbol of Sleep Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSymbol of Sleep
Symbol of Stunning Holy Symbol Spell GeneralSymbol of Stunning
Vengeful Storm Holy Symbol Spell GeneralVengeful Storm
Agile Feet Orison GeneralAgile Feet
Agile Feet (Charging) Orison GeneralAgile Feet
Augur Orison GeneralAugur
Bane Orison GeneralBane
Basic Focus Attack Orison ClericBasic Attacks
Basic Focus Exploit Orison ClericBasic Attacks
Battle Rage Orison GeneralBattle Rage
Bleeding Touch Orison GeneralBleeding Touch
Bless Orison GeneralBless
Dazing Touch Orison GeneralDazing Touch
Defending Weapon Orison GeneralDefending Weapon
Destructive Smite Orison GeneralDestructive Smite
Dispelling Touch Orison GeneralDispelling Touch
Doom Orison GeneralDoom
Fire Bolt Orison GeneralFire Bolt
Focus Channel Force Orison ClericChannel Force
Focus Channel Smite Orison ClericChannel Smite
Guidance Orison GeneralGuidance
Holy Lance Orison GeneralHoly Lance
Icicle Orison GeneralIcicle
Inspiring Word Orison GeneralInspiring Word
Liberation Orison GeneralLiberation
Lightning Arc Orison GeneralLightning Arc
Minor Cure Orison GeneralMinor Cure
Minor Cure (Charging) Orison GeneralMinor Cure
Razing Smite Orison GeneralRazing Smite
Resistance Orison GeneralResistance
Resistance (Charging) Orison GeneralResistance
Strength Surge Orison GeneralStrength Surge
Touch of Darkness Orison GeneralTouch of Darkness
Virtue Orison GeneralVirtue
Virtue (Charging) Orison GeneralVirtue
Archfiend's Acolyte Physical Attack ClericArchfiend's Acolyte
Balestra Physical Attack GeneralBalestra
Banishing Blow Physical Attack ClericBanishing Blow
Basic Battleaxe Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Battleaxe Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Club Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Club Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Dagger Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Dagger Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Greatclub Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Greatclub Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Greatsword Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Greatsword Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Longbow Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Longbow Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Longsword Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Longsword Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Rapier Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Rapier Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Shield Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Shortbow Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Shortbow Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Spear Exploit Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Basic Spear Strike Physical Attack GeneralBasic Attacks
Battleaxe Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Battleaxe Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Beat Physical Attack GeneralBeat
Blackfinger Press Physical Attack ClericBlackfinger Press
Bramblequill Physical Attack ClericBramblequill
Bullseye Shot Physical Attack GeneralBullseye Shot
Carve Physical Attack GeneralCarve
Child of Madness Physical Attack ClericChild of Madness
Chop Physical Attack GeneralChop
Cleansing Cut Physical Attack ClericCleansing Cut
Cleave Physical Attack GeneralCleave
Clothed in Iron Physical Attack ClericClothed in Iron
Clouding Pierce Physical Attack ClericClouding Pierce
Club Channel Force Physical Attack ClericChannel Force
Club Channel Smite Physical Attack ClericChannel Smite
Club Conk Physical Attack GeneralConk
Club Distraction Physical Attack RogueDistraction
Club Master Strike Physical Attack RogueMaster Strike
Club Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Club Trick Physical Attack RogueTrick
Club Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Clustered Shots Physical Attack GeneralClustered Shots
Compound Physical Attack GeneralCompound
Cowards Flee Physical Attack ClericCowards Flee
Cross Blow Physical Attack GeneralCross Blow
Cut Physical Attack GeneralCut
Dagger Channel Force Physical Attack ClericChannel Force
Dagger Channel Smite Physical Attack ClericChannel Smite
Dagger Distraction Physical Attack RogueDistraction
Dagger Master Strike Physical Attack RogueMaster Strike
Dagger Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Dagger Trick Physical Attack RogueTrick
Dagger Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Dance of Liberation Physical Attack ClericDance of Liberation
Daughter of Chillheart Physical Attack ClericDaughter of Chillheart
Dawnflower's Caress Physical Attack ClericDawnflower's Caress
Deadly Aim Physical Attack GeneralDeadly Aim
Deception Physical Attack GeneralDeception
Dismissing Prime Physical Attack ClericDismissing Prime
Distant Shot Physical Attack GeneralDistant Shot
Distracting Shot Physical Attack GeneralDistracting Shot
Dreamstrike Physical Attack ClericDreamstrike
Drowning Pin Physical Attack ClericDrowning Pin
Entangling Thorn Physical Attack ClericEntangling Thorn
Entrancing Deception Physical Attack ClericEntrancing Deception
Escape Physical Attack GeneralEscape
False Edge Physical Attack GeneralFalse Edge
Fan Physical Attack GeneralFan
Fire Whirl Physical Attack ClericFire Whirl
Followthrough Foresight Physical Attack GeneralFollowthrough Foresight
Footwork Physical Attack GeneralFootwork
Forehand Physical Attack GeneralForehand
Frosthorn Physical Attack ClericFrosthorn
Gore Physical Attack GeneralGore
Greatclub Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Greatclub Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Greatsword Channel Force Physical Attack ClericChannel Force
Greatsword Channel Smite Physical Attack ClericChannel Smite
Greatsword Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Greatsword Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Hack Physical Attack GeneralHack
Half Draw Physical Attack GeneralHalf Draw
Hammer Conk Physical Attack GeneralConk
Hamstring Physical Attack GeneralHamstring
Hew Physical Attack GeneralHew
Hoist Physical Attack GeneralHoist
Impact Critical Shot Physical Attack GeneralImpact Critical Shot
Impale Physical Attack GeneralImpale
Impaling Shot Physical Attack GeneralImpaling Shot
Inertia Physical Attack GeneralInertia
Inheritor's Strike Physical Attack ClericInheritor's Strike
Into the Fray Physical Attack ClericInto the Fray
Invoking Invasion Physical Attack ClericInvoking Invasion
Iron Gate Ward Physical Attack GeneralIron Gate Ward
Longbow Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Longbow Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Longsword Channel Force Physical Attack ClericChannel Force
Longsword Channel Smite Physical Attack ClericChannel Smite
Longsword Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Longsword Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Lunge Physical Attack GeneralLunge
Mace Conk Physical Attack GeneralConk
Mangle Physical Attack GeneralMangle
Multi-Shot Physical Attack GeneralMulti-Shot
Overdraw Physical Attack GeneralOverdraw
Parry Physical Attack GeneralParry
Parting Shot Physical Attack GeneralParting Shot
Passing Step Thrust Physical Attack GeneralPassing Step Thrust
Patient Anchor Physical Attack GeneralPatient Anchor
Penetrate Physical Attack GeneralPenetrate
Penitent of the Pit Physical Attack ClericPenitent of the Pit
Pinpoint Targeting Physical Attack GeneralPinpoint Targeting
Point Blank Shot Physical Attack GeneralPoint Blank Shot
Pommel Physical Attack GeneralPommel
Precise Shot Physical Attack GeneralPrecise Shot
Press Physical Attack GeneralPress
Prime Physical Attack GeneralPrime
Pulverize Physical Attack GeneralPulverize
Puncture Physical Attack GeneralPuncture
Quick Shot Physical Attack GeneralQuick Shot
Rapier Channel Force Physical Attack ClericChannel Force
Rapier Channel Smite Physical Attack ClericChannel Smite
Rapier Distraction Physical Attack RogueDistraction
Rapier Master Strike Physical Attack RogueMaster Strike
Rapier Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Rapier Trick Physical Attack RogueTrick
Rapier Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Rattle Physical Attack GeneralRattle
Razor's Curse Physical Attack ClericRazor's Curse
Reaper's Escape Physical Attack ClericReaper's Escape
Reveal the Coward Physical Attack ClericReveal the Coward
Round Physical Attack GeneralRound
Ruin Physical Attack GeneralRuin
Running Shot Physical Attack GeneralRunning Shot
Sacrificial Dagger Physical Attack ClericSacrificial Dagger
Sapping Smite Physical Attack ClericSapping Smite
Sever Enchantments Physical Attack ClericSever Enchantments
Shank Physical Attack GeneralShank
Shatter Physical Attack GeneralShatter
Shear Physical Attack GeneralShear
Shield Bash Physical Attack GeneralShield Bash
Shield Block Physical Attack GeneralShield Block
Shield Channel Force Physical Attack ClericChannel Force
Shield Channel Smite Physical Attack ClericChannel Smite
Shield Charge Physical Attack GeneralShield Charge
Shield Slam Physical Attack GeneralShield Slam
Shield Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Shillelagh Physical Attack GeneralShillelagh
Shiv Physical Attack GeneralShiv
Shortbow Distraction Physical Attack RogueDistraction
Shortbow Master Strike Physical Attack RogueMaster Strike
Shortbow Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Shortbow Trick Physical Attack RogueTrick
Shortbow Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Shove Physical Attack GeneralShove
Skewer Physical Attack GeneralSkewer
Skinsaw Cut Physical Attack ClericSkinsaw Cut
Slam Physical Attack GeneralSlam
Slash Physical Attack GeneralSlash
Slash of Sacred Speed Physical Attack ClericSlash of Sacred Speed
Slug Physical Attack GeneralSlug
Smash Physical Attack GeneralSmash
Snap Shot Physical Attack GeneralSnap Shot
Son of Redlust Physical Attack ClericSon of Redlust
Sorrow's Release Physical Attack GeneralSorrow's Release
Spear Channel Force Physical Attack ClericChannel Force
Spear Channel Smite Physical Attack ClericChannel Smite
Spear Penetrating Strike Physical Attack FighterPenetrating Strike
Spear Vital Strike Physical Attack FighterVital Strike
Spike Physical Attack GeneralSpike
Stab Physical Attack GeneralStab
Stagger Physical Attack GeneralStagger
Star Slinger Physical Attack ClericStar Slinger
Stinging Rebuke Physical Attack ClericStinging Rebuke
Stop Cut Physical Attack GeneralStop Cut
Strike of Sacred Strength Physical Attack ClericStrike of Sacred Strength
Sunder Physical Attack GeneralSunder
Sweep Physical Attack GeneralSweep
Swing Physical Attack GeneralSwing
Sword of the Light Physical Attack ClericSword of the Light
The First's Follower Physical Attack ClericThe First's Follower
Thousand Cuts Physical Attack GeneralThousand Cuts
Thrust Physical Attack GeneralThrust
Thump Physical Attack GeneralThump
Thunderspike Physical Attack ClericThunderspike
Thwack Physical Attack GeneralThwack
Transfix Physical Attack GeneralTransfix
Understrike Physical Attack GeneralUnderstrike
Unshakeable Blade Physical Attack ClericUnshakeable Blade
Virulent Edge Physical Attack ClericVirulent Edge
Ward of Valor Physical Attack ClericWard of Valor
Ward of Withdrawn Favor Physical Attack ClericWard of Withdrawn Favor
Whirlwind Physical Attack GeneralWhirlwind
Windblade Physical Attack ClericWindblade
Wind-Up Physical Attack GeneralWind-Up
Wrath Guard Physical Attack GeneralWrath Guard
Wrathful Strike Physical Attack GeneralWrathful Strike
Arcane Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralArcane Weapon Proficiency
Axe Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralAxe Weapon Proficiency
Bow Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralBow Weapon Proficiency
Clothing Armor Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralClothing Armor Proficiency
Crossbow Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralCrossbow Weapon Proficiency
Double-Weapon Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralDouble-Weapon Weapon Proficiency
Dwarven Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralDwarven Weapon Proficiency
Elven Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralElven Weapon Proficiency
Firearm Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralFirearm Weapon Proficiency
Flail Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralFlail Weapon Proficiency
Focus Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralFocus Weapon Proficiency
Hammer Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralHammer Weapon Proficiency
Heavy Armor Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralHeavy Armor Proficiency
Heavy Blade Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralHeavy Blade Weapon Proficiency
Holdout Weapon Implement Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralHoldout Weapon Implement Proficiency
Holy Symbol Implement Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralHoly Symbol Implement Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralLight Armor Proficiency
Light Blade Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralLight Blade Weapon Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralMedium Armor Proficiency
Polearm Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralPolearm Weapon Proficiency
Rogue Kit Implement Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralRogue Kit Implement Proficiency
Shield Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralShield Weapon Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralSimple Weapon Proficiency
Spellbook Implement Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralSpellbook Implement Proficiency
Toolkit Implement Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralToolkit Implement Proficiency
Trophy Charm Implement Proficiency Proficiency Feat GeneralTrophy Charm Implement Proficiency
Acid Mastery Reactive WizardAcid Mastery
Auspicious Critical Reactive ClericAuspicious Critical
Befuddling Strike Reactive RogueBefuddling Strike
Bleeding Attack Reactive RogueBleeding Attack
Cold Mastery Reactive WizardCold Mastery
Crippling Strike Reactive RogueCrippling Strike
Deafening Critical Reactive GeneralDeafening Critical
Dispelling Attack Reactive RogueDispelling Attack
Electricity Mastery Reactive WizardElectricity Mastery
Exhausting Critical Reactive GeneralExhausting Critical
Fire Mastery Reactive WizardFire Mastery
Force Mastery Reactive WizardForce Mastery
Master of Opportunity: Slip Reactive FighterMaster of Opportunity: Slip
Master of Opportunity: Stand Still Reactive FighterMaster of Opportunity: Stand Still
Master of Opportunity: Stop Reactive FighterMaster of Opportunity: Stop
Master of Opportunity: Stumble Reactive FighterMaster of Opportunity: Stumble
Master of Opportunity: Suffer Reactive FighterMaster of Opportunity: Suffer
Negative Mastery Reactive WizardNegative Mastery
Psychic Mastery Reactive WizardPsychic Mastery
Sheltering Critical Reactive ClericSheltering Critical
Sickening Critical Reactive GeneralSickening Critical
Slow Reactions Reactive RogueSlow Reactions
Sonic Mastery Reactive WizardSonic Mastery
Staggering Critical Reactive GeneralStaggering Critical
Stunning Critical Reactive GeneralStunning Critical
Tiring Critical Reactive GeneralTiring Critical
Adamantine Bolos Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralAdamantine Bolos
Adamantine Shears Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralAdamantine Shears
Blinding Chemicals Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralBlinding Chemicals
Blinding Dust Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralBlinding Dust
Blinding Flask Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralBlinding Flask
Darkness Bomb Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralDarkness Bomb
Distracting Powder Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralDistracting Powder
Prying Shears Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralPrying Shears
Ripping Shears Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralRipping Shears
Smoke Bomb Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralSmoke Bomb
Stink Bomb Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralStink Bomb
Stinking Oils Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralStinking Oils
String Bolos Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralString Bolos
Thrown Stink Bomb Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralThrown Stink Bomb
Wire Bolos Rogue Kit Maneuver GeneralWire Bolos
Acid Arrow Spellbook Spell GeneralAcid Arrow
Acid Fog Spellbook Spell GeneralAcid Fog
Bestow Scourge Spellbook Spell GeneralBestow Scourge
Biting Gaze Spellbook Spell GeneralBiting Gaze
Blind Spellbook Spell GeneralBlind
Blindness-Deafness Spellbook Spell GeneralBlindness-Deafness
Boil Blood Spellbook Spell GeneralBoil Blood
Burning Hands Spellbook Spell GeneralBurning Hands
Chain Lightning Spellbook Spell GeneralChain Lightning
Death's Shadow Spellbook Spell GeneralDeath's Shadow
Death's Wail Spellbook Spell GeneralDeath's Wail
Deep Slumber Spellbook Spell GeneralDeep Slumber
Dispel Magic Spellbook Spell GeneralDispel Magic
Endurance Spellbook Spell GeneralEndurance
Energy Drain Spellbook Spell GeneralEnergy Drain
Enervation Spellbook Spell GeneralEnervation
Enfeeble Spellbook Spell GeneralEnfeeble
Fatiguing Flood Spellbook Spell GeneralFatiguing Flood
Fireball Spellbook Spell GeneralFireball
Force Missile Spellbook Spell GeneralForce Missile
Freezing Sphere Spellbook Spell GeneralFreezing Sphere
Glacial Blast Spellbook Spell GeneralGlacial Blast
Greater Acid Arrow Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Acid Arrow
Greater Boil Blood Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Boil Blood
Greater Dispel Magic Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Dispel Magic
Greater Endurance Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Endurance
Greater Enfeeble Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Enfeeble
Greater Fatiguing Flood Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Fatiguing Flood
Greater Fireball Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Fireball
Greater Force Missile Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Force Missile
Greater Glacial Blast Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Glacial Blast
Greater Haste Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Haste
Greater Hydraulic Push Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Hydraulic Push
Greater Lightning Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Lightning
Greater Rainbow Spray Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Rainbow Spray
Greater Scourge Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Scourge
Greater Shout Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Shout
Greater Sleep Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Sleep
Greater Sleet Storm Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Sleet Storm
Greater Speed Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Speed
Greater Strength Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Strength
Greater Toxic Cloud Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Toxic Cloud
Greater Web Spellbook Spell GeneralGreater Web
Haste Spellbook Spell GeneralHaste
Hideous Laughter Spellbook Spell GeneralHideous Laughter
Hold Monster Spellbook Spell GeneralHold Monster
Hydraulic Push Spellbook Spell GeneralHydraulic Push
Improved Acid Arrow Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Acid Arrow
Improved Blind Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Blind
Improved Boil Blood Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Boil Blood
Improved Endurance Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Endurance
Improved Force Missile Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Force Missile
Improved Hydraulic Push Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Hydraulic Push
Improved Ray of Exhaustion Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Ray of Exhaustion
Improved Speed Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Speed
Improved Strength Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Strength
Improved Web Spellbook Spell GeneralImproved Web
Incendiary Cloud Spellbook Spell GeneralIncendiary Cloud
Iron Army Spellbook Spell GeneralIron Army
Lightning Bolt Spellbook Spell GeneralLightning Bolt
Lightning Ray Spellbook Spell GeneralLightning Ray
Mass Endurance Spellbook Spell GeneralMass Endurance
Mass Hold Person Spellbook Spell GeneralMass Hold Person
Mass Strength Spellbook Spell GeneralMass Strength
Meteor Swarm Spellbook Spell GeneralMeteor Swarm
Polar Ray Spellbook Spell GeneralPolar Ray
Prismatic Spray Spellbook Spell GeneralPrismatic Spray
Rainbow Pattern Spellbook Spell GeneralRainbow Pattern
Rainbow Spray Spellbook Spell GeneralRainbow Spray
Ray of Exhaustion Spellbook Spell GeneralRay of Exhaustion
Scorching Ray Spellbook Spell GeneralScorching Ray
Shout Spellbook Spell GeneralShout
Sleep Spellbook Spell GeneralSleep
Sleet Storm Spellbook Spell GeneralSleet Storm
Speed Spellbook Spell GeneralSpeed
Strength Spellbook Spell GeneralStrength
Stun Spellbook Spell GeneralStun
Sunburst Spellbook Spell GeneralSunburst
Superior Dispel Magic Spellbook Spell GeneralSuperior Dispel Magic
Toxic Cloud Spellbook Spell GeneralToxic Cloud
Web Spellbook Spell GeneralWeb
Wither Spellbook Spell GeneralWither
Apprentice's Alacrity Equation Toolkit Maneuver GeneralApprentice's Alacrity Equation
Apprentice's Forgefiend Trick Toolkit Maneuver GeneralApprentice's Forgefiend Trick
Apprentice's Ooze Acid Toolkit Maneuver GeneralApprentice's Ooze Acid
Apprentice's Protective Salve Toolkit Maneuver GeneralApprentice's Protective Salve
Apprentice's Spring Heel Toolkit Maneuver GeneralApprentice's Spring Heel
Journeyman's Alacrity Equation Toolkit Maneuver GeneralJourneyman's Alacrity Equation
Journeyman's Forgefiend Trick Toolkit Maneuver GeneralJourneyman's Forgefiend Trick
Journeyman's Ooze Acid Toolkit Maneuver GeneralJourneyman's Ooze Acid
Journeyman's Protective Salve Toolkit Maneuver GeneralJourneyman's Protective Salve
Journeyman's Spring Heel Toolkit Maneuver GeneralJourneyman's Spring Heel
Master's Alacrity Equation Toolkit Maneuver GeneralMaster's Alacrity Equation
Master's Forgefiend Trick Toolkit Maneuver GeneralMaster's Forgefiend Trick
Master's Ooze Acid Toolkit Maneuver GeneralMaster's Ooze Acid
Master's Protective Salve Toolkit Maneuver GeneralMaster's Protective Salve
Master's Spring Heel Toolkit Maneuver GeneralMaster's Spring Heel
Augment Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralAugment
Browbeat Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralBrowbeat
Bully Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralBully
Chase Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralChase
Disturb Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralDisturb
Endanger Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralEndanger
Fluster Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralFluster
Halt Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralHalt
Imperil Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralImperil
Intensify Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralIntensify
Intercept Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralIntercept
Jeopardize Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralJeopardize
Pause Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralPause
Redouble Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralRedouble
Rush Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralRush
Scare Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralScare
Stop Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralStop
Tevis's Tenacity Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralTevis's Tenacity
Trouble Trophy Charm Maneuver GeneralTrouble
Alchemist Upgrade GeneralAlchemist
Apothecary Upgrade GeneralApothecary
Arcana Upgrade GeneralArcana
Arcane Attack Bonus Upgrade GeneralArcane Attack Bonus
Architect Upgrade GeneralArchitect
Armorsmith Upgrade GeneralArmorsmith
Artificer Upgrade GeneralArtificer
Base Attack Bonus Upgrade GeneralBase Attack Bonus
Bluff Upgrade GeneralBluff
Bowyer Upgrade GeneralBowyer
Carpenter Upgrade GeneralCarpenter
Divine Attack Bonus Upgrade GeneralDivine Attack Bonus
Dowser Upgrade GeneralDowser
Dungeoneering Upgrade GeneralDungeoneering
Dwarven Racial Benefit Upgrade GeneralDwarven Racial Benefit
Elven Racial Benefit Upgrade GeneralElven Racial Benefit
Encumbrance Bonus Upgrade GeneralEncumbrance Bonus
Engineer Upgrade GeneralEngineer
Forester Upgrade GeneralForester
Fortitude Bonus Upgrade GeneralFortitude Bonus
Gemcutter Upgrade GeneralGemcutter
Geography Upgrade GeneralGeography
Heavy Melee Attack Bonus Upgrade GeneralHeavy Melee Attack Bonus
History Upgrade GeneralHistory
Hit Points Upgrade GeneralHit Points
Human Racial Benefit Upgrade GeneralHuman Racial Benefit
Iconographer Upgrade GeneralIconographer
Jeweler Upgrade GeneralJeweler
Leatherworker Upgrade GeneralLeatherworker
Light Melee Attack Bonus Upgrade GeneralLight Melee Attack Bonus
Local Upgrade GeneralLocal
Miner Upgrade GeneralMiner
Nature Upgrade GeneralNature
Officer Upgrade GeneralOfficer
Perception Upgrade GeneralPerception
Planes Upgrade GeneralPlanes
Power Upgrade GeneralPower
Ranged Attack Bonus Upgrade GeneralRanged Attack Bonus
Recovery Bonus Upgrade GeneralRecovery Bonus
Reflex Bonus Upgrade GeneralReflex Bonus
Sage Upgrade GeneralSage
Sawyer Upgrade GeneralSawyer
Scavenger Upgrade GeneralScavenger
Seneschal Upgrade GeneralSeneschal
Smelter Upgrade GeneralSmelter
Soldier Upgrade GeneralSoldier
Spellcraft Upgrade GeneralSpellcraft
Stealth Upgrade GeneralStealth
Stonemason Upgrade GeneralStonemason
Survival Upgrade GeneralSurvival
Tailor Upgrade GeneralTailor
Tanner Upgrade GeneralTanner
Weaponsmith Upgrade GeneralWeaponsmith
Weaver Upgrade GeneralWeaver
Willpower Bonus Upgrade GeneralWillpower Bonus
Bull Rush Utility GeneralBull Rush
Bulwark Utility FighterBulwark
Channel Negative Energy: Harm Utility ClericChannel Negative Energy
Channel Positive Energy: Heal Utility ClericChannel Positive Energy
Charge Utility GeneralCharge
Combat Expertise Utility GeneralCombat Expertise
Divine Favor Utility ClericDivine Favor
Evasion Utility RogueEvasion
Feint Utility RogueFeint
Hold the Line Utility FighterHold the Line
Lookout Utility GeneralLookout
Resiliency Utility RogueResiliency
Shield of Faith Utility ClericShield of Faith
Trap Utility RogueTrap
Trip Utility GeneralTrip
True Strike Utility WizardTrue Strike
Tumble Utility RogueTumble